GOVERNMENT REFORM AMENDMENT. Judicial Provisions. 1. Judicial Provisions A jurocracy-theocracy form of government is hereby outlawed. a. No Federal Court shall overturn a legal vote of the people within a state, except upon approval by Congress. b. No State Court shall overturn a legal vote of the people, except upon the approval of the State Legislature. c. Term Limits for justices. 2. Cultural Provisions. a. Redefine "Freedom Of Religion" to be "Freedom Of Faith". Define "Just Moral Principle" as distinct from "Bannable Religious Dogma". Ban SHARIA LAW. b. Define a "NATURAL CITIZEN" as a person who has at least one parent who is a citizen. Any person born to non-citizen parents are not citizens, except through naturalization processes. c. Redefine "DISCRIMINATION" to be "DISPARITIZATION". d. Affirm that use of the word "SEX" means "GENDER", not sexual preference. e. ENGLISH ONLY as the official public language. f. Define "SOVEREIGN JUSTICE" as distinct from "INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE". 3. Congressional Provisions. a. No tenure, no pension. A Congressman/woman receives only pay while on duty in office. b. Congress (past, present, & future) participates in Social Security. All future funds flow into Social Security which is to be used for no other purpose. c. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan, just as other Americans. d. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise greater than the lesser of the CPI or 3%. e. Congress will no longer have their own healthcare, but participate in the same healthcare as other Americans. f. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American people. g. All contracts with past & present Congressmen/women are void . h. Term Limits No Congressman/woman to serve longer than two 6 year terms or three 4 year terms. 4. Presidential Provisions. a. PRESIDENTIAL NEGLIGENCE ACT mandating that the President must Enforce law against illegal migrants. 5. Balanced Budget Amendment. SIGN HERE Request Email Link To Petition Signing