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                                          ILLEGAL MIGRANTS

Is It "JUSTICE" that a foreign culture be allowed to proliferate & live beyond its means & then invade another country either peacfully or by war?

Is it "JUSTICE" to require a citizen to pay taxes in support of the education of foreigners?

Is it ??? Well, is it ???

This website holds that there is NO NEED FOR IMMIGRATION REFORM.
The only thing needed is a politician who has the guts to protect our borders and enforce our existing laws.


The person who enters and stays in this country illegally is a criminal.
The citizen who hires an illegal is a criminal.
It is now a fact (Dec 2011). 65% of American citizens object to granting citizenship to the new borns of illegals.


LA RAZA (THE RACE) is inflammatory wording reminiscent of The Master Race.
Intellectually bigoted groups, claiming to know better than the citizens, stereotype objecting
citizens with derogatory labels such as "xenophobe" , "racists,. "bigots", etc in attempts to surpress
the legitimate voice of the citizens.
We believe:

1. That La Raza (THE RACE) is an ethnic group seeking to eliminate laws that do not fit its illegal racist agenda,

     The REAL-ID Act

     The CLEAR Act

     Drivers Licenses for Legal Citizens only.

      These laws make it tougher for illegals to be in this country & improve national security.
      But that is of no concern to La Raz who would rather permit illegal activity by a few of its ethnic
      group & compromise national security, rather than protect its il legal own kind.
      It would appear that La Raza needs to be informed we do not make laws based upon any ethnic or
      any special interest group considerations.
      And they can claim racial prejudice all that they want, but it is merely an attemp
      to disguise themselves as having their civil rights violated in order to get their own selfish way.

2 . We have a right to demand that these groups cease their disruption of our society.

3. We have the right to define our national borders & enforce our immigration laws as they stand without
      changing them to accommodate illegal entrants. We are not dividing a city, we are separating countries.

4. We have the right to deport any foreign visitor who breaks our laws, disrupts our society, or stays beyond
      their approved term, regardless of race, color, creed, religion, sex or age, but not deport based solely upon
      race , color, creed, religion, sex or age.

5. We have the right to change our laws with respect to anchor babies.

6. We believe a national citizen ID security database is essential to distinguishing legal citizen from illegals.

7. We do not have the right to treat any legitimate visito inhumanly or abusively, unless they are
      breaking the law.

8. We believe that statements such as “THE JOBS AMERICANS WONT DO” is an insult the American
      people’s psyche by the current leadership of this country & that THERE IS NO JOB AN AMERICAN
      WONT DO. We strongly object to such phrases.

9. We have the right to require that all domestic businesses be barred from hiring undocumented foreign
      visitors The securing of our national borders is not to be compromised by perceived economic trade
      advantages. The present addiction to illegal low cost labor is unfair to lawful legal competition &
      destructive of our national economic system in that it creates a vicious cycle of hiring illegals who
      eventually move up financially, only to be replaced by bringing in more illegals.
      We believe the use of low security risk prison inmates to perform work alleged to be too good for the
      American worker is better use of resources than allowing illegal work forces
      And that’s a second INCONVENIENT TRUTH we must deal with .

10 We have the right to deny public health care services & public education to any foreign visitor.
      If we do provide such services, then we should bill the country of the foreign national for the sevice.

11. We have the right to require that all public signs, notices, hearings etc.., be in English only.
     We believe that it is contrary to the national interest to insist upon multiple languages creating
     an environment similar to Dagestan where neighbors do not understand neighbors.

12. It is improper to our military & border patrol to prosecute them for doing what we asked
     them to do in the first place, as we did in the case of Ramos and Compien in 2006.

13. It is improper and unfair to our military to let illegal entrants & criminals take over
     the house when they are away from home fighting for us.