A A A R R R G HOME POLI-TRICKS 1. This Web Sites Premise. When you are afraid of losing an election because of some foreign cultural block, then you have already lost. Maybe not the immediate election for the near future, BUT YOU HAVE PERMANENTLY LOST YOUR NATIONAL CULTURE, YOUR COUNTRY, YOUR IDENTITY, AND YOUR VALUES. America is a nation of immigrants...... WHO ..... ALL CAME HERE LEGALLY & WILLINGLY ADAPTED TO AMERICAN VALUES & THE COMMON LANGUAGE. They did not refuse to assimilate, nor did they turn the American flag up-side-down. They did not place demands upon American society,but they contributed to it. When new ingredients added to a stew refuses to boil in the pot, then it is no longer a melting pot, but instead it turns to a sticky burnt up mess. Our aim is to debunk the untruths and lies about Americans regarding. a. The jobs Americans dont want b. If Americans dont accept islam, they deserve jihad. c. Americans burning the Koran is bigotry d. Americans rejecting illegals is nazism and racist e. Americans are mean spirited in rejecting homosexuality f. Americans are tearing apart families with their immigration laws. This is the mentality and propaganda that can destroy America if we let it. May GOD Bless AMERICANS, their families and their country. 2. STOPPING THE VIOLENCE BEFORE IT STARTS. If you are an adult, your number 1 responsibility is to stop any violence (THAT IS WITHIN YOUR JURISDICTION OR DOMAIN) to the best of your ability and to protect your loved ones. There is an old saying that says "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". But sometimes our so-called preventions are based upon false assumptions, and we wind up being guilty of over-kill and injustice. Never-the-less, there are some preventions that should be self-evident and are not unjust. Our government warns us daily against leaving our doors and windows opened to prevent any unwanted intrusions. Yet that same government has failed to keep our borders secured from illegal trespassers, advocates the entry and protection of the well-proven violent revenge-driven muslim religion, and allows felons (convicted or not) to roam freely on our streets. The responsibility for these failures clearly rests with those politicians, government officials, and jurists who are so arrogant as to believe they have the power and right to order, impose and do anything, NO MATTER WHO IT AFFECTS. These people who are alleged to be in power include: a. Governors and courts who ignore the convictions of murderers and release them under the guise of humanity. Such pardons make them complicit with the crimes committed, endangers the victims' families,and invites further confrontation and violence. The answer to stopping the violence is ... DON'T LET THEM OUT. b. Courts and government officials who over-turn the will of the people as expressed in their state's referendum voting or through their representative legislatures. Such ignorance is indicative of a dictatorship or oligarchy (as opposed to a democracy) and invites civil war. The answer to stopping the violence is ...... START LISTENING TO and HONORING THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE. c. Congressmen and presidents who advocate getting preemptively involved in the affairs of other countries and/or attacking them without provocation or aggression. The answer is ...START MINDING YOUR OWN BUSINESS AND LET OTHER COUNTRIES TAKE CARE OF THEMSELVES. At the present time, of particular concern is the future impact upon this country by the continued admission into this country of illegals and muslims who consider themselves to be Americans second to their cultural heritage. All signs point to the mixture of cultural chemicals that will result in a violent explosion and upheavel. AND NO GOVERNMENT OR POLITICIAN WILL BE ABLE TO PREVENT IT WITHOUT ULTIMATELY VIOLATING WHAT IT PREACHES. The answer is .... MR GOVERNMENT, START DOING THE JOB YOU WERE HIRED TO DO AND STOP PLAYING GOD, IE, PROTECT THE LEGAL CITIZEN WHO IS PAYING YOUR SALARY. 3. Obama's Systematic Destruction Of This Country"s Will To Defend Itself. First he praises the muslim religion. Then he sues Arizona and other states seeking to do the job he and Bush would not do, ie, deport illegals. (Bush, by the way, allowed two border agents (Ramos and Compien) to go to jail for doing their job. Also under Bush, the koran was sanctioned and given protection from the military burning it.) Then Obama repeals Dont Ask Dont Tell. Next he persecutes a Florida Pastor, Terry Jones, for wanting to burn the Koran. And now we have marines, THOSE WHO HAVE RISKED THEIR LIVES IN OUR DEFENCE, being persecuted for urinating on dead Taliban. Perhaps Mr Obama and company should recall Winston Churchill urinating on Germanys Siegfried Line in WWII. THESE MEN SHOULD BE GIVEN MEDALS! The will to and capability to defend oneself resides in ATTITUDE. You take way that attitude and you have sold your country down the drain. We want fighting men, not pansies, to defend this country. 4. OCCUPY WALLSTREET wants their democracy back. Occupy Wall Street Shows People Want Democracy, Not Corporatocracy How can they want something back (ie, democracy) that we never had in the first place? We are a republic with representative government, not a democracy. If you want something closer to REAL democracy, then you need to let people vote directly on the issues via the internet. And in order to let people vote on the internet, you need to protect against voter fraud by implementing a fool proof citizen identification system, like THE REAL ID ACT, which is >opposed by illegals. 5. Our Dysfunctional Government.Seniors, kiss your social security goodbye to The PAYROLL TAX CUT. OUT OF DATE And no DOC FIX means imposing problems with medicare. Our government has screwed us with respect to Social Security, ensuring Medicare, protecting the borders, keeping in place safeguards that would have prevented the economic crash, dismantling the nuclear thorium breeder reactor technology project, and keeping the environment safe from spent nuclear waste. And to use a favorite Wash DC expression, it has kicked the can down the road with respect to clean energy transition to the point of forcing us to adopt a national oil pipeline until we can get off oil and coal. Yet it wants us to continue our giving to foreigners. ObamaCare, a $1 Trillion per decade expense did not address the root cause of healthcare costs. It was a sleazy deal made with insurance companies. The 1stt fix to the economy is to repeal it. The 2nd fix is to reinstate those financial regulations that were in place before the 1999 congress did away with them. The 3rd fix is to implement laws that would curtail "too big to fail" and inordinate ceo salaries/benefits. The 4th fix is to put in legislation to securely regulate derivatives and hedge funds. The 5th fix is to enforce Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Instead of putting in a "dream act", we should be implementing better border control and deporting illegals. We should be amending the Constitution to disallow anchor babies. We should be amending the Constitution to ban Sharia. We should be implementing the REAL-ID ACT to pave the way for internet elections. We should be putting government representatives on the same financial footing as the average citizen. We should be storing nuclear waste at Yucca Mountain, and we should be developing the thorium reactor. Of course one can argue if you are not going to enforce the law, then why have a law at all. And if that's the case, then why even have a government? The law should not be to empower some politician. It should be to secure the domestic tranquility of its citizens. And for the last two decades, the government has not been doing its job, ie, enforcing the law STOP ALL THIS WASTE OF TIME WITH CONSUMER CREDIT PROTECTION. STOP ALL THE WASTE OF TIME SUING STATES OVER CONTROL OVER ILLEGALS. STOP ALL THIS WASTE OF TIME OVER ALLEGED RACIAL PROFILING AND DISCRIMINATION AGAINST GAYS. 6. Tracking Obama's numbers Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports Mr Obama has had his chance, and he blew it. Instead of attacking the economic problems immediately, he and his friends sucked all of the air out of the room with OBAMACARE, which will cost $1 Trillion over the next decade and is preventing businesses from hiring. In addition, he has exacerbated the illegal immigrant problem by suing states like Arizona to prevent them from upholding the sovereignty of our borders and doing the job he should be doing. These alone are enough reason to expel him from office. 7. Obama and The Economy. This administration has repeatedly engaged in the most meaningless time consuming exercises that are contrary to the welfare of the US citizenry. In the face of a catastrophic economic downturn, instead of engaging and addressing the problems at hand, he and his cohorts opted to press and impose their healthcare ideology upon the nation, EVEN AGAINST THE ADVICE OF RAHM EMANUEL. B-b-b-But It's HIS Fault ![]() 8. The Washington Post babbled again today about Obama inheriting a huge deficit from Bush. Amazingly enough, a lot of people swallow this BULL. So once more, a short civics lesson: Budgets do not come from the White House. They come from Congress, and the party that controlled Congress since January 2007 is the Democrat Party. Furthermore, the Democrats controlled the budget process for FY 2008 and FY 2009, as well as FY 2010 and FY 2011. (FY = fiscal year) In that first year, they had to contend with George Bush, which caused them to compromise on spending, when Bush somewhat belatedly got tough on spending increases. For FY 2009 though, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid bypassed George Bush entirely, passing continuing resolutions to keep government running until Barack Obama could take office. At that time, they passed a massive omnibus spending bill to complete the FY 2009 budgets. And where was Barack Obama during this time? He was a member of that very Congress that passed all of these massive spending bills, and he signed the omnibus bill as President to complete FY 2009. Let's remember what the deficits looked like during that period: (below) ![]() ![]() If the Democrats inherited any deficit, it was the FY 2007 deficit, the last of the Republican budgets. That deficit was the lowest in five years and the fourth straight decline in deficit spending. After that, Democrats in Congress took control of spending, including Barack Obama, who voted for the budgets. If Obama inherited anything, he inherited it from himself. In a nutshell, what Obama is saying is – “I inherited a deficit that I voted for, and then I voted to expand that deficit four-fold since January 20th”. ![]() 9. Obama’s Screwed Up Attorney General. a. Where is that sense of responsibility with respect to prosecuting the 911 terrorists at GITMO? b. Operation Fast Track, ie, letting the guns walk across the border into Mexico, is just another Obama administration's Eric Holder's GROSS SCREWUP. These people would rather pursue their own agendas rather than protect the American citizen. Where is that sense of responsibility with respect to protecting against guns walking across the border into the hands of Mexico's drug cartels. Etc, etc etc. c. There is something DEEPLY WRONG with a government that persecutes its own citizens in favor of foreign trespassers Once again the Obama administration has engaged in attempts to strip citizens from defending Themselves against foreign invasion. Now, A/G Eric Holder and company are targeting Arizona Sheriff Joe Apario in his attempts to do what the White House will not do, ie, enforce the law and this country's sovereignty. Az Sheriff d. IT HAS BECOME QUITE OBVIOUS THAT THIS PRESIDENT AND ADMINISTRATION IS INTENT UPON CASTRATING CITIZENS WHO ATTEMPT TO DEFEND THEMSELVES AGAINST ILLEGALS, DRUG CARTELS, OR THE RADICAL MUSLIM IDEOLOGY, by bringing ridiculous slanderous law suits upon them. e. Not only has Obama sued the states seeking to eliminate illegal immigration, but - 1) He brought severe public humiliation to Terry Fuller, the Florida pastor who sought to exercise his right to express his rejection of the Islamic cult religious ideology by harmlessly burning the Koran. Had it not been for Obama and the media, no one would have ever heard of Pastor Fuller and the Koran burning would have gone unnoticed. Instead it became an idiotic media firestorm. 2) During the most recent shootings at Virginia Tech University, while the shooting was occurring, VTU officials were consumed with answering a law suit brought by the Obama administration upon them for alleged negligence in dealing with the first shooting that occurred a few years ago. 10. Obama and International Affairs. a. With the Libya uprising against Gadaffi, the US has spent $1 BILLION dollars, money that we do not have. There was no imminent threat against the US, but we entered the fray regardless. Furthermore, at the beginning Mr Obama stated that we would not be assassinating Gadaffi, which has come to be another outright lie. He also clamed we had a "moral responsibility" to protect the citizens of Libya. Really ??? Since when does the US have any responsibility to protect anyone other than its own citizens? Where is that sense of responsibility with respect to protecting our borders against illegals? b. A year ago Mr Obama virtually insulted the nation of Israel in proposing they relinquish their acquisitions resulting from the 1967 7 day war, which was a war visited upon Israel by invading muslim nations. Would Mr Obama also recommend the US relinquish its acquisitions resulting from war. Mr Obama seems intent upon blessing the muslim nations who have continuously demonstrated an inability to live peacefully, even among their own ranks. 11. Obama and The Environment. In being confronted with the worst oil spill in US history, he sat on his duff for 2 months before responding to the crisis. And it is little known that he bought Harry Reid's support by promising to scrub the billion dollar Yucca Mountain nuclear waste disposal project. 12. Obama and Energy. a. Obama refuses to allow a national pipeline to be constructed that would allow our getting off dependence on foreign oil. b. It has been well known that a better and cleaner burn of nuclear fuel could be attained by Thorium/Breeder reactors. Yet the Clinton administration put the stops on this development back in the 1990s. So just who is the Party Of No. |