

Our current election system is a piece of crap. It is a hodgepodge of manual and batch systems ripe with fraud. That an online real time election system has not been made available by now is an absolute crime. So what would an online real time election system look like?

We start with the actual database? What is a database, you ask?
It is a filing organization and access system.
Here is a diagram of what it would look like.

(Too small? On your phone, expand it. On your computer, right click and open image in new tab.)

So how does one read this diagram?

Each box represents a “record type” having a specific data content & format different from the other boxes that represent different “record types”. (Note: the word “record type” is used interchangeably with the word “record”). Boxes at the top are basic entity record types & accessible via their ids. Unconnected diagonal lines into some of these top boxes indicates they are directly accessible. As you can see, there are 4 basic entity record types: year, nation, state, & person.

Lines connecting top level boxes to lower level boxes are links from top level records to lower level record types, thus forming a chain of lower level records. The top level box is said to be the master record type of the lower level detail boxes. For each top level master record there can be any number of lower level detail records.

So for example, given a nation id of USA, one could directly access the USA record & then traverse the state chain to access all the states within the USA. Similarly, one could access all the counties within a state by traversing the county chain. And so on.

Although the default direction of traversal from master to detail records appears to be downward (or forward), upward (or backward) traversal from any detail to master can be possible before a person actually votes. However after vote occurs, traversal in either direction between a voter-ballot-link record and a voter-location-link record should be restricted to the voter for privacy reasons. Today’s average browser-to-website user should not find this method of navigation too difficult to understand.


Each state would have this database file system accessible to the public via their website on their own computer. The database would be initialized only one time with the geographic records of nation, state and counties, these being fixed entities. But before participating in an election, each state resident voter, including state & county employees, must already have or create their own reusable logon id record. Only state & county employee logons should be allowed to update the entire database for the purposes of setting up the database content.


Of particular importance before each election is the validation and creation of the voter-ballot-link records for each logon record. This process establishes the voter rolls for each specific election. It begins with a person submitting a voter-id-ballot-request record to an authorized state employee who initiates a search of other states by checking each states registered-voter-year-check record. If no such record is found & everything else checks out on the person, the state employee creates a single year-voter check record, followed by setting up the voter-ballot-link records leaving blank the candidate-selection button in each voter-ballot-link record.


The database is now ready for the voter to make his candidate selections by clicking the appropriate candidate-selection button in each appropriate voter-ballot-link record, at which time a write-permission lock is placed on the voter-ballot-link record. This would prevent anyone from changing candidate-selection button and the corresponding link to the selected candidate record.


For secrecy/privacy purposes all cast voter-ballot-link records should be locked from updating by anyone other than the voter and as soon as they are counted. With this one exception, all should be able to view any record at any time, thus providing complete transparency and veracity of an election. In other words, everyone can look anywhere but not touch.

Each state would have the same file system within a website on their own computer. In addition to state residents being able to create and logons to the state website, each state computer would have access to other state computers to eliminate double dipping voters who might try to vote in more than one state. Currency of voter rolls is essential.

In addition, currency of vote tabulation is essential. As soon as a voter has locked his voter-ballot record, his vote should be counted and tallies by candidate should be made available. Washington DC should be connected to each state & have access to each state database for the purpose of rolling up ballot totals for each national candidate by state.

What would be the advantages of an online real time election system?
First, the voter would cast his ballot directly into the database, thereby eliminating anybody other than the voter from touching his ballot.
Second, the election should be completed within 2 days.
Third. since there is only one machine per state involved, auditing software should be comparatively easy as well as identifying any other anomalies.


There will always be some ding dong who insists on having a paper ballot which necessitates having a batch input system.



Given the most recent blatant congressional spending bill, it appears that it is the desire of congress people to deflate the value of the dollar, thereby causing inflation. Why? One must ask if congress people are not increasing their own coffers via their ownership in assets (like gold) at the expense of the American people. Such a concept explains the SOROS MOTIVE.



This concept is introduced based upon the belief that there can be no confidence in an electronic election count system until each an every state provide what would be called the virtual precinct that provides an after-the-fact ability for the voter to validate his own counted ballot, in addition to providing a method for auditing the vote count within the voter’s precinct. So how would such a system work? First, we need to identify the two big concerns to the average voter.

Concern #1 is identifying exactly who is eligible to vote and what is the total count of eligible voters at the time of an election. Certainly a county government is able to identify its eligible voters by referring to a county’s property tax roles. But this only covers property owners. What about renters? It makes sense for a state government to obtain this information by referring to its DMV driver’s licenses, assuming there are no non-citizens allowed a drivers license. But what about those who do not own property or own a car, ie, the homeless, who may be citizens?

So we see there remains a problem in identifying all those who should be eligible to vote in any given election. One solution has been offered called VOTER ID. However, it does not solve the problem of ballots being issued to dead voters. To solve this problem, I suggest that to be eligible to vote in a general election, an eligible voter must have voted in the primary election within the same year of the general election. In this manner, one can be reasonably assured of an accurate total electorate count within a state. Of course, there may be deaths and resident transitions within the few months between the primary and general elections. But why should a state allow any new residents to vote immediately when they can vote in any subsequent elections. In implementing such requirements, one can expect that the count from the primary will not be any greater in the general election.

Concern #2 is what can only be called the opaque electronic count system. It is not sufficient for a vote count to not be publicly audited. Transparency is an absolute necessity to provide trust in the results. This can only be done by the state providing to the voter a virtual precinct.



Democrats are deliberately destroying our democracy by exacerbating election difficulties via open borders.

Probably one of the greatest difficulties in conducting an election is knowing who is eligible to vote and who is not. Counties are the first resource to determine this, because they are the central hub for identifying property tax payers. But this only identifies property owners, not renters and homeless people.

So, to identify citizen non property owners who actually reside in a state, vehicle operator licenses are a second resource for identifying eligible voters.

However, there is still a hole wherein there are homeless citizens who may be eligible, but do not own property or have a drivers license. Such citizens should be required to register as homeless citizens and prove their citizenship.

It should now be clear to every US citizen that the Democratic Party has become a traitor to our democracy by obfuscating the election process and employing the inflow of illegal entrants in the hopes of maintaining power. They are not without help from some very stupid Republicans, aka, RINOS. Those now working in government need to ask themselves how far they are willing to go for a worthless paycheck.

It is clear that Democrats have not inspired trust in our election system by maintaining open borders. That fact, coupled with the use of electronic election systems leaves the US citizen with very little confidence that elections are not rigged. It can be said that no matter which party is in control of the election process, without the electorate being able to validate their own counted ballot and see the accumulation of actual ballots counted for a particular candidate after the fact, there can be no confidence in the electronic tabulated election results.

To conclude, until the borders are closed and until the voting public can audit/validate their own votes after an election, this country will be in a chaotic mess.



The NY Trump Trial had
no appearance of impartiality and FLAGRANTLY VIOLATED

1. The 7Th Amendment-Right to a Jury Trial

2. The 8th Amendment-Cruel and Unusual Punishment.

3. The 14th Amendment-Due Process

Title 18 Section 242



Due to my age, what is historical to me is probably ancient to you,
which makes me “conservative” and you probably a “progressive”. Many “progressives” and cultural bigots of today want to rewrite history & discard ancient things, such as the Bible, statutes of our founding fathers and maybe even the Constitution, in a manner similar to the ISIS idiots who destroyed the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra. Claims of advancing forward frequently involve the destruction of the past, either deliberately or unintentionally. But how can you claim to have advanced forward if you don’t know how you got there in the first place or what promoted another culture to excel? And so the truth gets lost.

Of course, the collection of too many things also tends to bury the really important points. This is where breakpoints to compartmentalize information become essential in maintaining the whole enchilada. And hierarchical filing structure helps to collect related breakpoints.

These are not new ideas as evidenced by the National Archives (NAR). It is merely common sense. BUT SUCH RECORDS SHOULD NOT BE ACCESSIBLE TO ONLY THE PRIVILEGED FEW, as has occurred with the recent findings of Joe Biden’s emails proving his criminal activity. Secrecy, censoring and non transparency can be just as destructive of the truth.

Consider this. Just think of how much better off we would have been had the historical library in Alexandria not been deliberately destroyed.

Maybe there might have been proof or disproof of the existence of ufo’s and et’s. I use this as an example , not as a sarcasm, because there are today real questions regarding ufo’s, which might have been answered by documents in the Alexandria Library. But for the lack of that library, we can only assume the answer to be “NO”.

By the same token, we are destroying our own libraries by proliferating them with the nonsense of WOKEISM. Is not the proliferation of self evident garbage to bury important findings the same as burning down the library?



My electric bill for January is $180 for 655 KWH.
It has been a cold cold month. I have one computer on at all times with two electric utility heaters that kick in and out depending on thermostat settings. Plus, I have two air filtration devices of which I run only one for no more than 8 hours a day. My water heater is all electric. I never use stove or oven. I only use a microwave very minimally. No dishwasher or wash machine. One refrig.

Without changing habits, summer usage is like half. So I have to figure the water heater and two heaters account for the difference, ie, 300 KWH.


As far is Biden is concerned, we can all eat bugs, ride electric bicycles and huddle together to prevent hypothermia. Meanwhile,  he will enrich our lives with drag queen story hour. And if you object, he will have you thrown in jail for a lifetime.



Why Is It Important To Restrict Access To This Country?

Three Words:
Portable Nuclear Bombs

Over the years we have witness an increase in a mentality that is willing to blow itself up along with its preceived adversaries in an act of alleged justice. This makes it imperative that access to dangerous technology be highly guarded from falling into the wrong hands. This is the real problem facing humanity today. And we must not forget that fact.

Joe Biden appears to have forgotten that by allowing anybody and everybody into this country without proper vetting. In so doing, he has increased the probability of some nutjob acquiring access to dangerous technology.

Then there are those who say “Well, nuclear bomb technology has become so proliferated that it makes no difference what we do. So we might as well give up and let the nutjobs have their way.” WRONG. As long as there is one ounce of rationality left in the world, that glimmer of hope needs to be maintained.

One thing is for certain. To make “global warming” the central theme in global politics rather than protecting the world from nuclear proliferation is completely irresponsible. And what does DEI have to do with protecting the world? NOT ONE DAMN THING. DEI = Divisive Efforts and Injustice. It is interesting to note that DEI spelled backwards is IED, Improvised Explosive Device.

The RIGHT STRATEGY to defend against nuclear attacks from the air is Reagan’s STRATEGIC DEFENSE INITIATIVE. But to protect against nulear IED attacks, the border must be highly restricted with RBA, not open borders. And you cant have either protections if you persist in pursuing green energy, electric cars, and DEI to the exclusion of all else.



Why Is It Important To Restrict Access To This Country?

Three Words:
Portable Nuclear Bombs

Over the years we have witness an increase in a mentality that is willing to blow itself up along with its preceived adversaries in an act of alleged justice. This makes it imperative that access to dangerous technology be highly guarded from falling into the wrong hands. This is the real problem facing humanity today. And we must not forget that fact.

Joe Biden appears to have forgotten that by allowing anybody and everybody into this country without proper vetting. In so doing, he has increased the probability of some nutjob acquiring access to dangerous technology.

Then there are those who say “Well, nuclear bomb technology has become so proliferated that it makes no difference what we do. So we might as well give up and let the nutjobs have their way.” WRONG. As long as there is one ounce of rationality left in the world, that glimmer of hope needs to be maintained.

One thing is for certain. To make “global warming” the central theme in global politics rather than protecting the world from nuclear proliferation is completely irresponsible. And what does DEI have to do with protecting the world? NOT ONE DAMN THING. DEI = Divisive Efforts and Injustice. It is interesting to note that DEI spelled backwards is IED, Improvised Explosive Device.

The RIGHT STRATEGY to defend against nuclear attacks from the air is Reagan’s STRATEGIC DEFENSE INITIATIVE. But to protect against nulear IED attacks, the border must be highly restricted with RBA, not open borders. And you cant have either protections if you persist in pursuing green energy, electric cars, and DEI to the exclusion of all else.



Before the advent of electronic banking, the use of a paper iou in the form of a check with the payor’s checking account number and hand written signature was sufficient for the bank to diminish the funds in the payor’s checking account. The only danger to the owner of a checking account came from the possibility of another person being able to to perfectly copy the hand written owner’s signature, something very improbable and easy to protect against occurring.

Then came the computer with its ability to perfectly copy the signature of a person. With a picture of the signature of a checking account owner and knowledge of the account number, it became much easier for thieves to do electronic forgery. The question now is, how to minimize this threat. And the answer would appear to be simple.

First, we nust realiaze that in order for the computer to copy a signature it can only do so in graphic mode. So what we need is a non-displayable text mode signature. And with online banking, we already have that non-displayable text mode signature in the form of a password. Therefore, any electronic transaction authorizing a bank to diminsh the funds in a checking account should require the password of the checking account owner. Should a bank fail in providing this security, then it should be held laible for any losses due to its negligence.